The 21st Summer School of the Community of Ariane Cities will take place from June 28 to July 23, 2021 in New Aquitaine, mainly in Bordeaux, with the support of Bordeaux Métropole, ArianeGroup Bordeaux, Arts et Métiers Bordeaux-Talence and the NAASC.
Created in 1998, the Community of Ariane Cities is a non-profit association that gathers European cities called Ariane Cities, industrial companies and partner space agencies working on European space transportation. The associaion enables them to strengthen their cooperation, to inform local elected officials and citizens about space activities in Europe, and to contribute to the training of future professionals in the space sector by offering various programmes of a technical, cultural and educational nature.
Among these programmes, the Summer School brings together every year for 4 weeks about thirty confirmed European students and young professionals of the European aeronautics and space industry. It focuses on the different aspects of space, in particular access to space, and includes technical and non-technical courses, team projects, conferences, visits, as well as cultural and recreational events.
The 21st Summer School originally scheduled for the summer of 2020 has been postponed to the summer of 2021 due to the health crisis. It will take place mainly at Arts et Métiers Bordeaux, with highlights in the partner schools of NAASC, Sciences Po Bordeaux, ISAE-ENSMA and ESTIA, and the support of Bordeaux INP ENSEIRB-MATMECA for the follow-up of team projects.
The Association Sciences Espace Passion Jeunesse, which brings together ArianeGroup employees or retirees, is an active partner of the 21st Summer School, very involved in the organization of team projects according to a pedagogical approach inspired by industrial experience.