For the third time ESTIA participated in ActInSpace at Technocité’s site in Bayonne: an international event sponsored by ESA, ESA BIC Sud France and CNES, whose objective is to promote and transfer space patent technologies to other fields on Earth.
For 24 hours non-stop, entrepreneurs and students from the ESTIA ecosystem, coached by experts in the field of space, entrepreneurship coaching and professors from all disciplines, focused on the challenges based on the transfer of space technologies towards the creation of new activities in other sectors of everyday life.
For this 2018 edition, ESTIA had about fifteen 1st year students and two entrepreneurs from the company “Freshbarrel” incubated for a few months at ESTIA ENTREPRENDRE compete in 4 teams to work on 4 distinct challenges.
As in the two previous editions of 2014 and 2016, ESTIA’s ambition is to bring together start-up creators and students in order to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of some, to explore the possibilities of space technology transfer to terrestrial activities for others, and finally to identify future start-ups in the Basque Country incubated within the support and subsidy scheme ESA BIC Sud France of which ESTIA ENTREPRENDRE is an active member since 2013.
The small committee of this 2018 edition finally led to an extremely qualitative event:
For the students present who were all awarded a prize:
- 1st – Team “ESTI’atéroïde”, a 400 euros check and a ticket to participate in the national final at the Toulouse Space Show on June 26th.
- 2nd – “Fresh Barrel” team, a cheque for 200 euros
- 3rd – “Space’stia” team, a cheque for 100 euros
- 4th – “SPACE COOKIES” team, a special jury prize
For the participating company “Freshbarrel”:
The prospect of potentially continuing the transfer and exploitation of the CNES patent they have studied within its activities and within the framework of the ESA BIC scheme.
An event that also offered good development prospects for some of the activities already carried out at ESTIA, with, for example, the prospect of integrating the “clean suit/clothing of the future” project proposed by the winning team into the activities of the BALI Textile Chair initiated in 2017.