The JANUS Program



The CNES JANUS programme (Jeunes en Apprentissage pour la réalisation de Nanosatellites au sein des Universités et des écoles de l’enseignement Supérieur) aims to promote space among students by involving them in the development, launch and operation of standardised nano-satellites of the CubeSats type.

The students thus discover the logic of development and implementation of space projects: project management, development plan, launch, reception of telemetry and transmission of remote controls, data processing… They deepen their scientific knowledge with a strong experimental dimension in various fields: mechanics, thermics, avionics, attitude control, energy systems…

The interest for the scientific and industrial community is twofold:

  • On the one hand students trained in project management, complex systems engineering and product insurance.
  • On the other hand, CubeSats that test promising new satellite and/or instrumental technologies in orbit.

CubeSat System (3U)